
H – Hope as we look at the promises of God
O – Openness to cooperate in Europe
P – Personal growth in the Spirit
E – Encourage each other in our walk with Christ

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We invite you to join us at our next “Hope for Europe - Women in Leadership” conference

in Budapest, Hungary, from October 8 to 12, 2025.

Our topic will be:

Growing–in Courage and Competence


Invitation to the next Hope for Europe Women in Leadership Conference (8-12 October 2025)​

If you want to travel fast, travel alone. But if you want to travel far, travel together. – Saying of East African Massai

Shortly after the falling down of the “Berlin Wall“ in Germany and the „Iron Curtain“ in Eastern Europe, several Christian initiatives took up the challenge of shaping Europe’s new future.

1994, after a “Round Table“ with several of these initiatives in Prague/Czech Rep., they decided to create an umbrella, which should function as framework for cooperative action. It was called “Hope for Europe”.

Under this umbrella and within this frame,  networks began to take shape over the following years, stimulated by annual “Round Tables“.

Today “Hope for Europe” has around 20 of these networks, like Arts+, Media, Church, Healthcare, Business Cities, Disability, Freedom, Peace and Reconciliation etc. The purpose is to synergise locally, nationally, regionally.

1993 forty women in leadership from eastern and western Europe met in Linz/Austria. They decided to offer regularly an international and interdenominational women’s conference, to learn from each other and to encourage one another. Women in Leadership was the first “Hope for Europe” network and was convened by Elisabeth Mittelstaedt, founder and editor of “Lydia”, the christian magazin for women in German speaking countries.

About us

Greetings, Its Elke Werner

You are invited to join us at Hope for Europe – Women in Leadership! Every second year we host a conference for Christian women from all over Europe – and sometimes beyond. We want to get to know you, encourage and empower you for and in your calling, your ministry and in your part of Europe.

Europe is a vibrant and dynamic continent with lots of languages, cultures and denominations. Our Christian heritage as a former Christian Continent is at stake and we want to help each other to do our best to reach out to people around us and to share the Gospel with them.


To inspire

encourage and equip women to fulfil the purposes of God for their lives.

To model

how God can use women in a variety of ways.

To challenge

European women leaders to bring the transforming power of the Gospel to Europe and to every nation within it.

What is the purpose of the conferences?

As Christian leaders in our respective countries and ministries, we came to learn, discuss and network with one another.

The topics discussed at the conferences:


We love to connect leaders, young and old, to encourage the church in Europe.

Together, as women in leadership in Europe, we want to share the hope of Jesus for our world, and especially for our continent.


CNEDA A Biblical View of Relationships to End Domestic Abuse

Gender or Giftedness A Study on the Role of Women

Wake up, rise in strength Training for women leaders

Have Any Questions in Mind?