Hope for Europe – Women in Leadership
Online Gathering: May 26 and 27, 2021
More than 180 ladies from 36 countries involved

The Hope for Europe – Women in Leadership 2021 conference, originally planned in Romania, had to take place as an online gathering – because of the pandemic. Although the participants had to gather a virtual room instead of the main hall of the Oradea-Baptist Church and its facilities, it seemed that the ladies from Iraq to Brazil, from Finland to Egypt, did not miss too much of what is characteristic for our regular conferences. They enjoyed
- two evenings with Bible based and encouraging messages from Dr. Kate Coleman, Janet Sewell and Sarah Breuel, as well as touching and inspiring testimonies from ladies between 25 and 62 years, from France, Finland, Romania and Ukraine. All was interpreted into five languages: French, German, Russian, Turkish and Spanish;
- two times 30 minutes in small groups during breakout-room-times, to reflect and share personally about individual „windows of opportunity“;
- on Thursday afternoon 3 x 3 opportunities of 60 minutes, to enrich their spiritual growth, hear about outreach and discuss about christian and biblical worldview – all was interactive:
- workshops with helpful spiritual aspects of leadership,
- presentations of outreach opportunities,
- panels to learn from women who are experienced in making a difference in this world.
Saturday, May 29: Oradea/Nagyvárad, Romania
Women’s Day and Family/Children leisure event
Although the Hope for Europe – Women in Leadership conference could not take place live in Oradea, the responsible team prayed and believed that at least the final conference day – as always in „normal“ times – could be performed live.
And it happened! On May 29 meetings in church-rooms were allowed!
German Evangelist Elke Werner, member of the Women in Leadership network-team and Hannelore Illgen, network-chair, were able to travel to Romania, without having to undergo a time of quarantine. The day started with a leisure time for families with their children in a park. And during the special women’s meeting the children had an interesting gathering.
Half of the participating women were for the first time in an evangelistic meeting and many of them asked for prayer and contact.

The Oradea Women’s event was recorded and can be seen below. It is in Hungarian, the message of Elke Werner is in English, translated into Hungarian.
Pictures from the event:

All sessions were recorded and uploaded on YouTube: