Welcome to the 2017-Conference
Belgrade/Serbia – October 25-28, 2017
The 2017-Conference takes place in the ZIRA Hotel Belgrade, from October 25 till October 27, with a special final day, organised by Daughters of the King on Saturday, October 28.
These conferences have been held since 1992 to strengthen Christian women in their leadership – in the church or in society. This year is a jubilee year, since exactly 25 years ago Elisabeth Mittelstädt called together the first conference in Linz/Austria. Since then, eleven conferences were held in several European countries.
The Bible Study will be lead by the theologian Lidija Gunjevic. Ruth Hasselgren and Amanda Jackson will bring encouraging messages about leadership and Reona Joly-Peterson about prayer. The celebration message will come from Elisabeth Mittelstädt.
Seminars, prayer, praise and worship, fellowship, interesting reports from different European nations will be part of the conference, as well as an inspiring exposition of successful christian women’s initiatives and organisations.
The conference-language is English!
We hope to see you in Belgrade!
Romkje Fountain (Holland) with the Hope for Europe – Women in Leadership Team
Gordana Savic (Serbia) with the Daughters of the King team
Dear Ladies!
With great joy we invite you to join our Daughters of the King-Day this year, which is on Saturday, October 28, from 10h to 16h, the final day of the conference. Women from all over Serbia will attend this special day and we would love, if you could join us. Our joining will be a strong and powerful voice, influencing women of the Balkan for good.
We have chosen the theme ’Hope and Future’, which is also the conference-theme. There will be worship led by our worship team, the ‘Rhema Band’, song writers from Serbia who have recorded three CDs, and Lidija Židov, worship leader from Croatia.
It is a great honour that Elisabeth Mittelstädt, the founder of the Hope for Europe/Women in Leadership-network, will share her testimony with us. Our main speaker this year will be Sara Vitakic, who will be sharing a powerful word. Sara is originally from England, and together with her husband she has pioneered and leads two churches in central Serbia. It will be a wonderful day of great worship, testimonies, a powerful word from the Bible and fellowship! We believe, that we all will be empowered, blessed and inspired through this day.
We invite you to stay and join us on our special regional Daughters of the King Day and are looking forward to see you!
The Daughters of the King-Team:
Gordana Savic, Sara Vitakic, Vesna Nikolic
The Conference Venue is Hotel ZIRA Belgrade, Ruzveltova 35, 11000 BEOGRAD, Serbia, Tel. + 381 11 331 48 00, Fax + 381 11 331 48 01, [email protected]
The conference begins on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 17.30h with the dinner, the first evening-meeting is at 19h
The conference ends on Saturday, October 28, 2017 at 16h, end of the regional Day for Women in the Hotel ZIRA, Belgrade
October 25 from 14h at the conference venue Hotel ZIRA Belgrade
In the price are included three days (three nights) in the Hotel ZIRA Belgrade including all meals, also coffee-breaks, as well as all other conference-costs and city-tax.
Early registration
• till July 31: 190 € for one person in a double room and 290 € in a single room
• from August 1: 210 € for one person in a double room and 310 € in a single room
Registration after October 1: no guarantee for accommodation in Hotel ZIRA/Belgrade
• Conference-costs without accommodation: 90 €. This price includes the meals (except breakfasts) and all other conference-costs.
Please use the online-registration!
Bank Account
“Stichting Filia”, IBAN: NL53INGB0007848985, BIC or SWIFT code: INGBNL2A,
bank-address: ING Bank NV, P.O. Box 1800, 1000 BV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Romkje Fountain, Zwarteweg 8, 8181 PD Heerde, The Netherlands