Grow.Together. in Hannover

From September 16-19, 2015 the Hope for Europe – Women in Leadership Conference was held with the theme Grow.Together. About 160 women in leadership positions from 28 countries came together in Hannover. This conference was organised by the Hope for Europe – Women in Leadership Network, in cooperation with Filia – Christian Forum for Women in Germany. The conference started on the Wednesday evening with an address by Elizabeth Mittelstaedt, the founder of the Hope for Europe – Women in Leadership Network. Her theme was growing together in unity and the fact that the mission field is no longer far away, it has come to Europe! This was the beginning of three full days.
“Challenge to change”
On the Thursday Elke Werner led us in an interesting panel with the theme refugees in Germany and Europe. The practical examples of what women in Germany and elsewhere in Europe are doing, were deeply moving. One of the panel members shared how she and her husband see the long stream of refugees pass her kitchen window in Serbia. She shared: For years we prayed for the 10/40 window and now these people are here! That afternoon the many workshops dealt with subjects like Prayer and Human Trafficking.

The day ended with a talk by Reona Joly about prayer and then the participants could go through a prayer parcour and pray individually.

he Friday morning, like the Thursday morning started with a Bible study by Ksenija Sabo from Serbia about John 1, where the women could discuss around the table what they were learning from this book.
Geri Scazzero continued with the subject “Leading from within”. As leaders it is important that we take care of our innerlife. If we fail to do that, it can be destructive for ourselves and the people we lead. Geri led us in this session to see that we must make sure that there is no contradiction between what we are and what we do.

In the afternoon there was again a panel discussion, this time about the theme Freedom of Religion. To introduce this subject there was a phone connection with Katharina von Schnurbein who as a christian EU officer is serving as an adviser to EU-Politians on this subject.
In the evening both Geri Scazzero and Elke Werner closed off the conference with a few remarks and a prayer.
The days were full, not just with the input of the speakers, but also with some moving stories from the work and the countries from where the women came. The hardships of the women in Greece, the support women in Germany give to the refugees, the ministry to abused women in Romania, touched the hearts of the listeners. Marion Warrington and her team provided a wonderful atmosphere of praise and worship. And we must not forget the wonderful catering, and the helpful and kind people that made the breaks a special feast. It was good to have time to be with the other ladies and to talk, meet new friends and learn about what is being done across Europe by women.

The conference was ended by a special Grow.Together Day on the Saturday in the beautiful Swiss Life Hall in Hannover. This day was planned so that other ladies form Germany could also be part of the international conference. Some 500 women attended the day. Again Geri Scazzero spoke, as well as Elizabeth Mittlestaedt. Shirinai Dossowa from Moskow who became a follower of Jesus from a Muslim background, encouraged women to follow Him.
For all the participants of the day one of the highlights was again a forum about the theme refugees, where several shared how they became involved with these people. This time was ended with a prayer.