in Brackenhurst, Kenya in July 2024
Dr. Seble Daniel, the Executive Director of the WEA Womens Commission, invited the regional leaders of the Women’s Commission for a consultation to Limuru, Kenya.
We met from 13th to 19th July 2024 in the Brackenhurst Conference Center. All nine regions of the Womens Commission were present – for the first time in person. The Middle East and the Caribbean region had to send a representative, as the regional leaders themselves were not able to join.

Before the conference a little booklet with all the information about the network was put together and will soon be available on the website. You will find all the information on the actual Womens Commission in it.
On the first evening, representatives of the African Evangelical Alliance and the Kenyan Evangelical Alliance welcomed us to Africa. During the first two days, we had some input from Elke Werner (Germany) on Leadership Development, Daniel Muvengi (World Vision Kenya) on Resource Mobilisation and Rev. Domnic Misolo (Kenya) on Gender Based Violence. Rev. Esme Bowers joined us for the whole time and gave input on the history of the WC and spoke on Mentoring and Discipleship. Besides great Bible studies, worship, times for fun and sharing, we worked on the vision and mission statements and the organizational structure of the Womens Commission.
It was decided that Dr. Seble now has a co-director: Grace Hee from Malaysia. Hannelore Illgen (Germany) was appointed as Secretary of the Commission. Irene Kibagendi (PACWA) will remain on the leadership team as a prayer coordinator. StacieNicole Simmons (USA) will continue to serve as Media and Communications Development Officer and Avani Wilson (India) as the Administrative Support Officer. The new position for Finance and Fundraising will be held by Melanie Nelson (Canada). Together they form the Women`s Commission Team.

One afternoon we had fun at a walking safari park and we also visited the African Evangelical Alliance Office in Nairobi. We were received with a great meal and were offered a tour of the offices. Each woman was given a special gift – a Massai Shuka and Massai Earrings. We heard again and again: “This is your office in Africa. We are here to serve you.” What a beautiful welcome!

A highlight was the last morning, when we said thankyou to Amanda Jackson, the former WC director. Each region had brought a special thank you gift for Amanda. Then we prayed for her and also for Dr. Seble Daniel in her new responsibilities in the WEA Womens Commission. Esme Bowers, the Director of the WEA Church Engagement, blessed both of them as they passed on the baton from one Executive Director Amanda Jackson to the current one: Dr. Seble Daniel. Then we celebrated the Lord’s Supper together, led by Rev. Esme Bowers. What a great ending of wonderful days together in Limuru, days of prayer and planning.

It was a great joy and privilege to meet such blessed and engaged women from around the world. Being together in person helped us to become a team that works together for the good of women in this world.
Elke Werner
Hope for Europe- Women in Leadership Chair